Creative web design, photography & copy writing for small enterprises

We build websites…

Add Copy Media creates websites for small enterprises, businesses and community organisations. Whether you’re a sole trader, a charity, a community interest company, a partnership or a limited company, you’re likely to want a website. Maybe you already have one that needs upgrading or replacing. We can help.

Everyone needs a web site

These days the public expect every serious enterprise to have it’s own website. Even if your site just says a bit about what you do, it is still an effective ‘advert’ on the internet that can potentially be seen by millions and builds trust for your potential customers and users.

A website is the foundation

If you want to advertise or promote your enterprise on-line, then a website is the foundation; the place for the public to go to find out about what it is that you do.

Our professional team

Using the services of our team - photographers, copy writers, designers, website builders, film makers and graphic designers - will mean your website can have a cleaner, smarter, professional look easily and conveniently for you.

Packages to suit every budget

To get what you want from your website, at a reasonable price, select one of the packages below. Our team would be delighted to create an effective and successful website for you in just a few weeks.
Contact us today. Let us help you get on line

W E B S I T E D E S I G N & B U I L D

hand built and designed by friendly humans!

Web copy

Web site, Photography and Copy

Web Copy

You might need high quality text for your website (whether we design it or not) and we can help with that too. Our copy writing service is simple and effective to use and could be the edge that helps get you really noticed on the world wide web.
This includes designing your page, optimizing & re-sizing up to 4 images supplied by you, up to 100 words of text based on what you tell us your enterprise is about. Plus, layout, visual design, basic search engine optimisation etc.
This package includes designing your pages, linking and cross- linking these, optimizing & re-sizing designing a coherent theme across the whole site, search engine optimisation etc. This package allows the site to grow with your business for a Fixed Term monthly subscription *Initial fixed consultancy fee of £400 applies. This includes site evaluation and design
This package includes designing your pages, linking and cross linking them, optimizing & re-sizing up to 20 images supplied by you, writing up to 500 words of text, designing a coherent theme across the whole site, search engine optimisation etc.
This package includes designing your pages, linking and cross- linking these, optimizing & re- sizing up to 10 images supplied by you, writing up to 300 words of text, layout, design and themes, search engine optimisation etc.

Working with you

Of course, our packages are just simplified bundles of the services we have to offer. At Add Copy Media we are happy to do pretty much whatever you want. Have a look at the different pages of our site to see what we can offer you, and can be reassured that the costs of having an effective web presence are affordable.

W E B S I T E D E S I G N & B U I L D

Affordable entry level web sites hand built to order by friendly humans

so everyone can Set Sail on the Data River

(Prices are a one off payment for Design. The Hosting and Domain Name is not included but we will give you full support and guide you through every step of the process of obtaining hosting and your very own domain name which you can transfer to another designer in the future with no ties or hassles. 100% security for you and your business You can purchase your Domain and Hosting at our preferred supplier here:

We build websites…

Add Copy Media creates websites for small enterprises, businesses and community organisations. Whether you’re a sole trader, a charity, a community interest company, a partnership or a limited company, you’re likely to want a website. Maybe you already have one that needs upgrading or replacing. We can help.

Everyone needs a web site

These days the public expect every serious enterprise to have it’s own website. Even if your site just says a bit about what you do, it is still an effective ‘advert’ on the internet that can potentially be seen by millions and builds trust for your potential customers and users.

A website is the foundation

If you want to advertise or promote your enterprise on-line, then a website is the foundation; the place for the public to go to find out about what it is that you do.

Our professional team

Using the services of our team - photographers, copy writers, designers, website builders, film makers and graphic designers - will mean your website can have a cleaner, smarter, professional look easily and conveniently for you.

Packages to suit every budget

To get what you want from your website, at a reasonable price, select one of the packages below. Our team would be delighted to create an effective and successful website for you in just a few weeks.

Working with you

Of course, our packages are just simplified bundles of the services we have to offer. At Add Copy Media we are happy to do pretty much whatever you want. Have a look at the different pages of our site to see what we can offer you, and can be reassured that the costs of having an effective web presence are affordable.

Web copy


D E S I G N &


Affordable entry level web

sites built by friendly

humans so everyone can

Set Sail on the Data River

Web site, Photography and Copy

Web Copy

You might need high quality text for your website (whether we design it or not) and we can help with that too. Our copy writing service is simple and effective to use and could be the edge that helps get you really noticed on the world wide web.
Email us today. We look forward to hearing from you
This includes designing your page, optimizing & re-sizing up to 4 images supplied by you, up to 100 words of text based on what you tell us your enterprise is about. Plus, layout, visual design, basic search engine optimisation etc.
This package includes designing your pages, linking and cross-linking these, optimizing & re-sizing up to 10 images supplied by you, writing up to 300 words of text, layout, design and themes, search engine optimisation etc.
This package includes designing your pages, linking and cross linking them, optimizing & re-sizing up to 20 images supplied by you, writing up to 500 words of text, designing a coherent theme across the whole site, search engine optimisation etc.
This package includes designing your pages, linking and cross-linking these, optimizing & re-sizing designing a coherent theme across the whole site, search engine optimisation etc. This package allows the site to grow with your business for a Fixed Term monthly subscription *Initial fixed consultancy fee of £400 applies. This includes site evaluation and design
Professional images As well as website design, we have professional photographers, for example, who would be happy to take pictures of your products, service or premises (or whatever you like.) You can then use these digital images on your website or anywhere else you want to.



Creative web design, photography & copy writing for small enterprises
(Prices are a one off payment for Design. The Hosting and Domain Name is not included but we will give you full support and guide you through every step of the process of obtaining hosting and your very own domain name which you can transfer to another designer in the future with no ties or hassles. 100% security for you and your business You can purchase your Domain and Hosting at our preferred supplier here:
Contact us today - Get on the data river for less than you thought! EMAIL: